Premade Puzzles
WordMints' over 500,000 premade puzzles were generously created by its users.
Access to these puzzles is free. Free access does not include access to answer keys. Answer Keys are only available to those with WordMint subscriptions. This helps to reduce the number of students accessing answer keys and ensures your puzzles are effective practice and learning tools.
With a subscription to Word Mint premade puzzles can be customized to suit your needs
Customizing Premade Puzzles
When logged into your WordMint subscription under the "My Puzzles" section There is a green button on the right hand side labeled "Customize a Premade Puzzle" Click here to bring up our collection of over 500,000 free puzzles. You can use the search bar to find a specific topic or browse based on a genre.
The example below shows a collection of over 1,000 premade puzzles about Romeo and Juliet. On the left hand side of the screen the selection can be narrowed down by puzzle type.
Be sure to proof read puzzles before distributing. Puzzles are created by users and have not been fact checked by WordMint.
Once a puzzle is chosen simply click on it and a new screen will appear with an option to "Customize" or "Print/Download". If you do not wish to change the puzzle you can print it or Download it for later.
If you would like to adjust or correct the puzzle choose "Customize".
The puzzle will now be available under "My Puzzles" and can be edited the same way you would edit any other puzzle you create. It will also remain in your puzzle collection until you decide to remove it.